Monday, March 3, 2008

Homework 3-01-2008

1. In general commerce value chain is a chain that connect one action with other action.
Based on the book by Treese and Stewart, they look at the value chain from a third perspective, in terms of
all customer-facing activities of a business. The value chain is a business' interactions with its customers.
The illustration of the business' interactions is based on the figure below.

If see them in individual business, may be can't seen as a full product. Because each links in the chain is
important to the business, and if any of them break down, the whole business is affected.

2. Yes, it is. The internet is different from other media, because by using internet everyone can be a publisher,
reaching the same worldwide audiences as giant media conglomerates.
For most communications, using tools such as e-mail or the web, the sender and receiver don't need to be
present at the same time to communicate with each other as long as their computers can do so. This method
can't do in telephone's way. Because using the telephone requires both people to be available to talk at the
same time.

3. Here's the link of the example using Google Docs

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